Body Butters and Oils Weekly Post

Why Body Butter is Your Best Friend in Winter

Why Body Butter is Your Best Friend in Winter

Body butter is a natural moisturizer that can hydrate, heal, and protect your skin from the cold and dry air in winter. It has many benefits, such as locking in the moisture, soothing the skin, preventing signs of aging, smoothing rough patches, and smelling amazing. You can use body butter after showering or bathing, before going to bed, or throughout the day as needed. Body butter is easy to make or buy, and it lasts for a long time. It is a great way to pamper your skin and yourself in winter.

Lavender Luxury: Why Our Natural Body Oil is a Must-Have!

Are you ready to embark on a lavender-infused journey to soft, radiant skin and unparalleled relaxation? Well, look no further, because our all-natural lavender body oil is here to make your skincare dreams come true. We've combined the finest ingredients, including jojoba oil, argan oil, and sweet almond oil, to create a body oil that's pure bliss in a bottle!

The Magical Trio: Jojoba, Argan, and Sweet Almond Oil

When it comes to skincare, we believe in the power of nature's best-kept secrets. That's why we've blended three incredible oils to create a body oil that...

Nurturing Your Skin with Nature's Bounty: The Magic of Natural Butters and Oils

Nurturing Your Skin with Nature's Bounty: The Magic of Natural Butters and Oils


Are you tired of sifting through endless beauty products that promise radiant, healthy skin but leave your skin feeling lackluster and uninspired? It might be time to turn to the wisdom of nature and embrace the magic of natural butters and oils in your skincare routine. Mother Earth has bestowed us with a treasure trove of ingredients that can nourish, hydrate, and rejuvenate your skin like never before. Let's embark on a journey to discover the incredible benefits of natural butters and oils for your skincare regimen.

The Wonderful World of Natural Butters:


Botanicals & Oils: The Essentials

Botanicals & Oils: The Essentials

Hey Tribe, welcome back!

Botanicals & Oils: The Essentials

In keeping with the theme of the past few weeks, this week, we spotlight, some of my favorite botanicals and essential oils. They are super dope because they can be combined with oils, butters, and water to create pampering softness for your skin.  


The eucalyptus leaves are derived from the eucalyptus evergreen tree that is native to Australia. Its scent is recognizable as minty and slightly piney with citrus overtones. As an essential oil, eucalyptus is often used in diffusers, as a natural remedy for relief of congestion...

Soaps, Salts, & Sugars

Greetings Tribe!

 The days are getting warmer and longer. The sun is shining brighter. Birds are chirping louder, and our skin is ready to break free of that access sebum and dead skin that has accumulated all winter. With spring and summer approaching, we want our skin to not only feel soft, but we also want our body to glow like the final level in The Last Dragon. So far, we’ve discussed everything from body butters, (Meet the Buttas) oils, (Meet the Oils) and aloe, rose water and charcoal, Charcoal, and Aloe, and Roses…Oh My!). Next, we will focus on...